Hey guys! It’s that time again. That time when we reflect on the past year and make New Years Resolutions. I’ve never really got into the whole resolution thing. Maybe it’s because I’ve seen so many make them and fail to keep them so I haven’t been able to much stock into the tradition. Don’t get me wrong, most resolutions are great. Things like trying that new diet, swearing to eat better, paying off that debt that’s been haunting us. But do we ever really intend on keeping them? Most of the time I don’t think so. I read somewhere that only 8% of resolutions are actually successful. I‘m sure there are many theories and ideas on why. My experience has shown that in order for change to happen, there has to be conviction rooted in a belief you build your life around. Not tradition, not because it’s what everyone else does, but because it’s important to you, there is a reason for doing it that is deep and meaningful. This is where change happens. And it’s not usually easy or comfortable.
Change like this takes time. Rome wasn’t built in a day and our salvation wasn’t accomplished in a short amount of time either. Jesus needed time here on Earth to not only bring a way for our salvation, but also to experience free will, temptation, sadness, death as we do. We can be comforted that He knows our pain, our struggling, and the battle of hard choices. Jesus wept often even though He knew it would work out, because He felt what we felt. The death of Lazurus, the coming betrayal of Judas, the rejection of the Jewish people. He asked God to change His path, to figure out a different way, much like we often do. He understands your doubt, your questioning. He even understands the temptation to do the easy thing over the difficult one. His journey to the cross was full of difficult choices. At any point He could have chosen different, but He didn’t. He chose the hard thing, the right thing. He chose you. Knowing He would be denied, and taunted, and hated. Yet, he still chose you. To be chosen despite all of this is the greatest expression of love. To waste this precious gift by living any way other than for Him is a disservice to His sacrifice. I challenge you to instead of trying to commit to a resolution you may or may not keep, to choose things of Jesus daily. Learn what His ways, learn about who God is, and start to grow in His ways. Choose to keep making decisions that will break toxic patterns, that will end damaging family cycles, that will heal you. Choose love over hate. Choose speaking well of others over gossip. Choose to help someone else when you feel like sitting in your pain. Choose your family over whatever is trying to steal your attention. Choose instead to make changes that are rooted in truth and hope, changes that will change not only your future but future generations. It doesn’t have to be big or grandiose. It only takes a few small steps in the right direction, continuing to choose the next right thing to change the trajectory of your life. He chose us, so let's choose Him.
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