One thing I like to do is save the pictures with the quotes on them that float around the internet. Some are motivational, some are funny, some have bible verses. This particular one said, “Be an Esther, bold and courageous enough to stand for the truth, to voice your opinion and fight for the good of others. If God has put you in a position, it is for a purpose. Never be afraid to heed that inner voice.” I don’t believe it was a coincidence that I saw this right after our pastor prayed over us to be bolder in truth and in helping others. There’s a reason so many, me included, struggle with being bold and courageous. We are flooded with so much information daily it’s so easy to become discouraged and confused on when to speak up and when to hold our tongue in today’s culture. You only have to flip through the news channels and scroll on the various social platforms to start hearing and seeing opinions on everything under the sun. And half of the responses we see and hear are often handled the wrong way. So we camp on one of two sides, not saying anything and holding it in or saying it all. Alasdair Groves said, "Mixed emotions are the right response to a mixed world. Life in this world means the delightful glories of God's handiwork always get the muck of sin and suffering spattered on them."
In the past I had zero self control when it came to my mouth (or what I typed) when I felt something or someone needed defended and it has never ended well. I have had to really let God teach me what it means to be slow to speak, quick to listen, and practicing the pause. Thank goodness for His patience, because it takes a lot! Some questions I'm learning to ask myself are: Is what I am thinking truth or opinion? Where is this coming from? Will this be helpful? What is my motive? Is it kind? Will this produce good fruit? While I feel like I'm getting over that hurdle, I am learning a new lesson. I have been fighting not saying or doing something out of fear. I have second guessed myself, felt voiceless, and not heard. Other’s voices have been louder, stronger, more persistent. It has caused me to fall back when I should have spoken up. I have let the fear of judgement override doing or saying the right thing. There have many times when I have been in situations where there is a little nudge to do or say something. And when this happens what do we usually do? Start arguing with ourselves and questioning if it is God nudging us. Worried about what the reaction will be. Being seen as a little cray cray. But, as I grow in my faith and security in Christ, He helps me fight these fears. Having a source of truth that can help you sort through the mess and embolden you to speak up when you need to and put a hand over your mouth when you shouldn't is what we need. It is a process. You have to learn to listen for God's voice, learn the difference between responding out of flesh or out of righteousness, and be willing to learn from mistakes. Jesus tells his disciples (and us) that when the Helper, the Holy Spirit comes; (after Jesus is crucified and resurrected) the Holy Spirit will testify of Jesus (John 15:26). This is part of His job. And as believers in Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit will also be in us (Acts 1:8). Knowing this, we have no reason to not be bold and courageous. We have access to all the boldness, courage, and knowledge we need, through Him. So why do we continue to live timid, afraid, and confused? I honestly don't know that there's just one answer to this but I do know that God's word, daily relationship, and partnership with Him does equip us to be bold, to stand for the truth, and to be the voice for others when they can't speak for themselves. How many more lives would be changed if we were to live completely from this relationship with the Spirit? I believe that there will be a new generation of people that are tired of trying to find answers from the world. They are tired of fighting and striving and will start to search for answers. God will use this to guide them to Him. And there will be a new generation of true believers, passionate about truth, the inerrancy of scripture, and seeing lives changed because of the truth of Jesus. They will be bold truth tellers, courageous, fearless, and free.
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