There are SO MANY WAYS to get involved
Tell us about your interest areas, time commitment you're comfortable with, and when you'd like to get started.
We would love to have you join a team that inspires you. Be a part of the community that is bringing hope, healing, and support to the hurting in Kansas City.
We would love to have you join a team that inspires you. Be a part of the community that is bringing hope, healing, and support to the hurting in Kansas City.
Volunteer Opportunity Ideas:
- Prayer Team
- Crisis Advocacy Team
- Education Team (multiple positions available)
- Annual Campaign Team (8 weeks - February 6 - April 2)
- Special Events
- Pickleball Tournament - OP (Apr 14)
- Pickleball Tournament - NKC (Apr 28)
- Healing Strides 5k (Sept 2024)
- Friendsgiving Dinner ( Nov 2024)
- and more!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who can Volunteer?
A: Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age, have access to transportation and a phone, be sensitive to issues of sexual violence and trauma, and have effective communication and listening skills. Prospective volunteers are required to complete a criminal background check.
Q: What is the time commitment?
A: Time commitments vary based on position – please contact us for more information. Some positions (advocacy, education) require volunteers to commit to at least one year of service with Value Unconditional, while others are seasonal positions (annual campaign), the special events team, and prayer team.
Q: Are there opportunities to share my testimony?
A: Yes. All requests are fully reviewed and considered and interviews are conducted to better understand the heart behind sharing. These Special Testimony speakers graciously share their time and stories in order to raise awareness about sexual violence, trauma, and/or the importance of trauma-informed responses for victims. They are not employees or spokespersons for Value Unconditional, and they represent only their personal views, opinions, and experience. Special Testimony speakers cannot offer quotes, endorsements, positions, or opinions on behalf of Value Unconditional, and they cannot act as an agent of Value Unconditional. You must be over the age of 18 or provide the signature of a parent or legal guardian to be considered.
Q: Can I work directly with people who are hurting?
A: Yes, we have direct-service opportunities available. You must complete a background check, confidentiality agreement and all respective training must be completed in full to join any of the direct-service teams.